My earliest memories are from when I was about 2 years old ( in 1963 ) and my family was down Atlantic City. I remember when it was time to leave and I had to chose the last ride I went on. And there were plenty of pictures and even some old home movies of the same trip. The earliest memories I have that are not captured on film are of pretending to have a big brother. I was 4 and he was the biggest a kid could be at 8 :) My parents had a bunch of those old 8 mm movies converted to video about 10 years ago. The last week of 2001 I took that tape and started making VCD's from it. Now here it is the beginning of 2002 and I'm watching my first Christmas on my computer. No sound and very shaky. But I remember when we had to break out the projector and the big screen and the clickity click be careful it doesn't jam and melt the movie. Watching my father splice film together. I even have my first film that I shot myself. It seemed like magic to make a movie with that little wind up camera. I'm glad we were able to preserve things like this from the 60's besides the thousands of pictures my parents took. Now, with my digital camera and webcam and video capture card it all seems so simple to take little pieces of the past and preserve them. In the 6 months I have had my digital cam I think we have taken 2000 pics. Makes me wonder what my kids will be doing with them in 40 years... For my birthday 2005 my Father gave me all our 35mm slides. I told him I could digitize them and get them on CD. So now I have 1600 slides to scan. But it's so cool looking at some of the things I barely remember. And so many surprises. I actually found a picture of Happy The Clown. That needs a page all it's own. And I'll add Sally Starr to that page for good measure also.