Something Wicked This Way Comes. By Ray Bradbury. This book should not be judged by the Disney movie. Something about this story... I have come into the possession of a limited edition signed copy of this book. And it appears it was written the same month I was born. September 1961. I never new that. If you like any Bradbury at all I highly recommend this book. It is a definite "boy" book though. As told through the eyes of a 12 year old. My second favorite book is Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Third is The Neverending Story. Not the movie version but the translated version. The whole concept of reading a story about someone reading a story was actually pulled off quite well. I have over 1000 books. More than I have video games. The rest of the top ten would be very hard to come up with. I have read Star Wars: A New Hope at least 10 times. I have the first edition paperback somewhere. As a matter of fact I have read all the Star Wars stories before I have seen the movies. But I guess my favorite is still Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. The story itself is written a little differently than the movie script. More so than any of the others. The character development was excellent. If you are looking to buy them I suggest buying the special trilogy edition. The Star Wars Trilogy (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi) This is a first edition and is under $10. Remember the collectors value of these :) I don't think any of my first edition books are worth less now than when I paid for them. As if I would ever sell any .. My second favorite Star wars book is Star Wars: Episode II, Attack of the Clones that I just read in the beginning of June 2002. I love everything from Heinlein, Clark, Bradbury, Tolkein, Howard, and Burroughs. Can You tell I like Sci-Fi. :) Maybe I'll add my books and movies to a database someday. Like I'm trying to do with my video games.