One of the most interesting aspects of the internet is the way it brings access to people that otherwise would never be able to happen. For example, 10 years ago how hard was it to get in touch with old high school classmates. Sure you could go through your alumni association. But what if you wanted to look up friends from other high schools. Today with the click of a few buttons you can look up old friends or ex girlfriends or boyfriends. Think of all the people you have lost touch with. I remember hanging with a few different groups in my teen years. Thanks to Classmates I was able to get in touch with a friend I hadn't talked to since 1975. And one of my first girlfriends from when I was 14 :) It was amazing to hear the stories of how different groups stayed in touch. And the usual stories about the inseparable couples that stayed together for 20 years and then split up. So many lost contacts. Some are as close as your computer screen if only you knew how to get in touch with them. Classmates was a great service and still is but I found a much better one because it offers all that classmates does but it's free. If you are looking for a school registry I suggest you give gradfinder a try. The do grade schools and colleges as well. You can look through all the schools from your hometown and see how many old friends you recognize. Take a walk down memory lane. Speaking of old friends. Before there was an internet and computer bulletin boards there was one way for people to get together and chat and make friends. The good ole Citizen's Band Radio. I still have my license somewhere. Since it was 1975 and you still needed to get one then. KAAU 5543 was me :) And I used the handle Zeppelin. Any Roxborough, Manayunk, East Falls CB'ers out there? Break channel 20 breaker break. West Manayunk or Belmont Hills fire station people? Quantas, I actually found out who you were a month after you left for college. Having access to high school lists is great but there are hundreds of people I remember that I never knew their last names :) Or old friends from the swim teams at the Kendrick rec center or Roxborough YMCA. C'mon where are all you people :)