Way back in 1997 I created my first web page on Geocities. Hours and hours were spent making a few dozen pages. And that got me one or two hits a day. I was looking for a way to bring more people to my website. So I added a guestbook. One day while surfing to someone who had signed my guestbook I noticed they had a few dozen entries in their guestbook. And it seemed most of the same people had stopped to sign everybody else's guestbook also. So I came up with an idea to get people to add a little button to their webpage calling themselves an official guestbook surfer. Sure enough the people liked the idea and the visitors came charging in. Then I started keeping track of the people that had linked to my page. And started a list. It got up to almost 700 people. And at one time a search report showed almost 1500 pages linked to that page. Five years later and I'm almost a real webmaster :) And now with my own domain I present to you the original Official Guestbook Surfers Page. Do you know what the best free source of advertising is for your home page? Here we go. The rules are simple. Actually they are more like guidelines.
You will get better results and clicks with an entry that says "Hi, I loved
your smurf links and the rest of your pages look cool" than you would with just
a "Please visit my site". If you are in a site competition of some kind don't
just sign saying "vote for me" or "come sign my book". People will be more
likely to go through your site if they see you have gone through theirs.
Guestbook's should be more for telling people what you liked about their site.
Compare one of their pages to your own. Say something like "I see you like NIN"
and then mention your Trent is godlike midi page :) If you would like a real
example then click the
featured guestbook
Here is an example of the code you can cut and paste. Change the name to
whatever you saved it as. Remember to change the img src location to your url
where the graphic is located or remove it if the image is on the same server as
your web page. Try to put it all on one line. Then please add yourself to the list. This will make you an Official Guestbook Surfer. By the way, the first example is the same type of code you use in someones guestbook when you add an image. Just substitute your URL's for the page and graphic. If you need any help with this don't hesitate to email me. Also please be aware that img linking can cause bandwidth problems. If you would like to see the pages that display the ogs link then click this bookmark. All the people I have run into in the past two years are so cool. Everyone needs to be recognized. It looks like for every guestbook you sign you might get a dozen or so visitors. Happy Surfing! Ok, The new link database
is up. Let's see how long it lasts :)