My first PC was an IBM AT in 1989. 6 mhz. 1 meg ram. EGA video. 20meg hard drive. Paid $700 for it. Came with an EGA grayscale monitor. Picked up a color EGA monitor for $100 about 3 months later. I spent many hours learning dos 3.3 and I managed to find a version of windows 286. Then I discovered quick basic and I was off to try and be a programmer. I have a few of the best programs I made with QB 4.5 and while I'm on the subject I'll offer them here for you to take a look at :)
Please note. It's a good idea with any executable from the net to run a
virus scan first.
As with most pre PCI graphics the mouse libraries don't display a cursor so the
mouse doesn't work well. Super Slider works well with the keyboard. But flip-it
needs the mouse :(